Well, tonight was my first experience of the infamous degree show, where three years worth of work comes to a close. We went along mainly to see some of the work that the third years had been producing as I haven't previously seen anything from them. The night proved to be very interesting. I was most taken by the nice little area of the handmade publications. There was a wide variety, some more professional looking than others, but to me it looked like a lovely little treasure trove, sadly I have no photos of it! I also like the branding on the D&AD third year show. They all produced work along the theme of the ampersand (&). There was also a lovely exhibition catalogue which was free!!! It contained information on all the students including a small selection of their work. The designing of the catalogue was done by some of the third years, and the cover folds out to create an exhibition poster.
I also picked up a nice selection of the business cards that were on offer. They were all very nice and made you want to read them, they all defiantly showed off peoples skills and personal styles well! (front and back views)

There were some other nice pieces from a few 3D design students, including soap jewelry an some kind of patterned plastic curtain/wall hanging. There was also a very amusing piece by one of the foundation students with very cute illustration, images below.